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The Optimistic American - Audio Edition

Jun 4, 2022

Dr. Michael Crow, 16th President of Arizona State University, discusses how he and his team transformed ASU into one of the world’s best public research universities over the past 20 years. 145,000 degree-seeking students attend online, in person, via other methods. ASU’s new model is accessible, excellent and impactful to local communities, and hosts among other successes the largest engineering college in the USA.


ASU today tackles complex challenges in education, business, and communities for better outcomes. Anyone today can learn almost anything at little to zero out of pocket cost. Dr. Crow drives his team to “innovate, innovate, innovate to optimize human potential and happiness.” He notes that everyone’s “life space” should be determined by them rather than from where they come from. Everyone needs robust, accessible, ongoing education all their lives.


A product of humble means (including government-provided food and low cost housing), Dr. Crow achieved what the vast majority of Americans never have, but he’s not finished! An Optimistic American he is, believing that America’s and the world’s (led by the USA) days lie ahead.


Watch this episode on our YouTube channel, The Optimistic American.