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Inner Archeology with Sarah Turner & Emily Pennystone

Apr 21, 2023

Sarah shares Bennett’s birth story.

Feb 22, 2023

The finale of season 1 of Inner Archeology is here!

Emily and Sarah look back at over one year of podcasting and share their reflections on the journey, what they have learned, and what’s making them excited about the future.


Key Points In Episode:

  • The first season finale of Inner Archeology is here, and it’s...

Feb 15, 2023

Sarah and Emily take a deep dive into the world of judgment, belief, and change.

In this episode, they talk about how your beliefs are formed, what has an impact on them, and what to consider and do to change your beliefs and achieve positive change.


Key Points In Episode:

  • This episode of Inner Archeology is the...

Feb 8, 2023

Sarah and Emily continue their conversation about Jonah Hill’s documentary Stutz (if you haven’t already, check out the latest episode of Inner Archeology for part 1).

In this episode, they talk about some powerful therapeutic modalities and tools from Stutz: part X, the string of pearls, and your shadow.


Feb 1, 2023

Sarah and Emily share some of the biggest takeaways they got from Jonah Hill’s documentary Stutz.

Check this episode out and learn about the 3 aspects of life, the pyramid to activate your life, how 85% of issues people deal with can be solved, and whether it’s better to listen to or get advice from your...